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Old 02-14-2015, 09:35 AM
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Re: ILG - Vaccine Hysteria

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Their explanation makes no sense. If vaccination makes a person immune, then a non vaccinated person can't be a threat to them.

What they are implying is if enough people refuse their shots, all the vaccines will magically cease working and everybody will die.

What thy MEAN however is "if too many people reject vaccines we won't make any money".
I agree. It doesn't make sense. And it is about the money.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Topic: Mercury (Thimerosal) in Vaccines Mercury in Vaccines

Q: Is it true that all the mercury has been removed from vaccines? How much mercury is in the flu shot and other recommended vaccines? Should I go out of my way to find a thimerosal-free flu shot and where can I find one?

Manufacturers began voluntarily removing Thimerosal from pediatric vaccines around 2000. It is assumed that most pediatric vaccines containing Thimerosal were “off the shelves” by 2003. (No vaccines were recalled.) Even so, most infants are still routinely given Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine even though there are Thimerosal-free and vaccines with trace amounts of Thimerosal. Infants receiving a Thimerosal-containing influenza vaccine are dosed at 6 months with 12.5 mcg of ethyl mercury and at 7 months with an additional 12.5 mcg. Adult Thimerosal-containing vaccines contain roughly 25mcg. These Thimerosal-containing version exceed federal safety guidelines mentioned earlier.
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