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Old 02-11-2015, 02:22 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Why I Am A Futurist

Originally Posted by Bowas View Post
Only one problem with, (if I understand you are trying to claim AD70 was not the generation Jesus, Apostles and fortunately the Christians in Jerusalem in AD70 believed it was concerning Matt 24 and fled Jerusalem to the saving of themselves) but in the year 1940 seems there was @18,000,000 Jews world wide.
AD 70 was the worst, not due to the quantity of killed and scattered to the nations, but the magnitude of the crime/event of even why it occured.

Don't even try to make it seem I downplay the autroucities of the Hitler era, but AD 70 is what Matt 24 is prophesying

Is that what you are claiming?

This estimate I posted was nearly 70% of Jews killed that lived in the world in 1940.

This is over 2/3 wiped out in one war.

The besiege of the city of Jerusalem was a terrible blow to the Jews in 70ad, but the Romans offered surrender as an alternative to death as slaves to those that were in the city.

Did the 3rd reicht of Stalin etc. offer an alternative to death?

In my opinion, world war 2 was MUCH worse on the Jews than the 70ad era.

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