Re: Why I Am A Futurist
MB I have been thinking about the kingdom conversation we had earlier. The church is the kingdom of God I understand that you believe the development of the church fulfills all the kingdom prophecy. Most futurists look to natural Israel for fullfilment of those prophecy's. I am seeing duality in things. I said on another thread that I don't think the nation of Israel will receive any eternal inheritance on the grounds of being a Jew, but I do believe that it could quiet possibly be a earthly manifestation of what God is doing in regards to prophecy. The idea that God is going to close the door to the gentiles and open it to Jews is wrong(I think). For the door is not closed on the Jew now to receive the Spirit of God. As a nation yes I see where they are under strong delusion, but I have faith that any Jew alive today can become part of that spiritual kingdom the church. I believe as long as this world stands there will be hope for those who believe on Him. I have not found a rapture prior to His second coming, but I am open minded and eager to hear any valid points. I still don't know?