Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Maybe its pointless to discuss the matter with you. I told you I have never said I believe in a gap theory. Nor a 7 year tribulation. You are now telling me how I arrive at my conclusions in the face of what I said regardless.
I kept saying IF YOU BELIEVE.... hypothetical.
I did not notice you mention you did not believe in a seven year tribulation, though. Sorry. Many apologies. But, I still said "IF..."
Now where is the 490 year timeline? Starting from the beginning then the end? Dates please if I am to take it seriously. How would it hurt me to see such a timeline? I WANT to see it.
Simple. From the decree to rebuild Jerusalem put forth by Cyrus until Jesus came and began ministering was 483 years. And from the time of His ministry's start to the cross, 3.5 years and 3.5 years after that was the end. Gentiles came into the church around then.
That's why the start of Christ's ministry had him say THIS DAY the scripture is fulfilled in their ears. The Spirit anointed Him to preach.
I dont know how it would adversly affect what I presently believe. But for truths sake I would love to see the 490 years laid out in a factual way.
It is a fascinating study. But you would not believe how this timeline has been attacked. After all, it's the ONLY timeline provided in scripture. And this is why I believe Christ said many many false Christ's would arise in their day, for imagine a false prophet knowing the timeframe and plotting to convince everyone he was the true Christ.
False Messiahs were rampant then because everyone knew the timeline from Daniel for the Messiah to come.
So, it only stands to reason this issue is harshly attacked. And the weird thing is that there's a HUGE controversy about the timing of the decree and which decree was the pertinent one!
But if you do not believe in a seven year period, what do you believe? And if you don't, this may not apply to you.