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Old 02-07-2015, 10:49 AM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by ILG View Post
N David, how are things going today?
She's been admitted. Blood test was good. The urine test had white blood cells indicating possible UTI. They did a culture which takes 2-3 days. They also did a spinal tap which went well, thank God. Fluid was clear, which is a good thing. Her heart rate, I was told, should be around 140-150, was in the 180-220 range when we first got in the staging room. Thankfully, that it has come down and remained in the normal range.

Still in an ER staging room (since 11:45pm last night), waiting for a room to open upstairs.

She had an IV put just below her wrist. Unfortunately, the first line didn't work - couldn't hit the vein. So they had to do the other arm.

They have her on two antibiotics, Ampicillin and Cefotaxime.

She's been sleeping well since the spinal tap.
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