Hey PO!
Yes, I have very mixed feelings regarding vaccines but lean against them. My kids were fully vaccinated but if I had it to do over, I would at the very least do it more slowly than recommended and at the very most, not vaccinate at all.
I did forego the Hep B for both my kids when they were young until we moved to WI and they had to get it for school. (Didn't really know my choices)
There are so many things to consider concerning vaccines. Have you read The Virus and the Vaccine?
http://www.amazon.com/The-Virus-Vacc.../dp/0312342721 It has been kept SO quiet that the polio vaccine was proven to contain a cancer causing virus.
The MMR is cultured from a cell line derived from aborted fetuses. On a very quick search ( I give no backing for or against this site)
https://www.cogforlife.org/vaccineListOrigFormat.pdf and according to this site it looks like there are a lot more of them
The autism debate rages about the MMR. CDC says no correlation but if there were a proven correlation there would be mutiny.
Manufacturers CANNOT BE SUED if anything goes wrong!! No accountability!!
Some feel that vaccines are being used to produce infertility.