Thread: born of water
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Old 01-01-2015, 03:58 PM
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Re: born of water

Originally Posted by Hesetmefree238 View Post
The blood being applied is a figurative term that simply refers to when an individual first begins to receive the redemptive benefits (sins forgiven, cleansing, pardon, etc....) of the blood of Christ. I believe this happen when we repent and trust in Christ's redemptive sacrifice as an atonement for our sins. I don't believe anyone can be filled with the Holy Ghost without the application of the blood as I mentioned earlier. I do agree with you in that the application of the blood is an ongoing process as you referenced in 1 John 1:7, the blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sins. (cleanseth refers to an ongoing process)
It STARTS at repentance, yes. But, as you agreed, it is ONGOING.

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