Thread: born of water
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Old 12-26-2014, 06:32 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: born of water

Originally Posted by thephnxman View Post
So we should enter into hypothetical situations?
If a person is martyred, brutal or not, the judgment belongs to the Lord:
not you, anyone else, and especially me;
The Lord, who knows the heart of man, also knows whether a "martyr" is
acting in true faith, out of a desire to please man (a denomination), and
has not willingly denied the NAME;
I can not justify anyone; and I could not say whether anyone who
denies the NAME is "saved".

Why would someone refuse to deny Jesus and me martyred if they were not sincere? Furthermore, if someone who did not have the name of Jesus invoked over them at baptism, but is filled with the Spirit, they bear the name through the Spirit of adoption.
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