Originally Posted by mizpeh
Footwashing was a custom they did back then in the first century when they wore sandals. But now a days it seems out of place in the USA to do that. I don't want anyone to wash my feet. Aren't there other acts of service and hospitality we could do for one another?
If a brother or sister's car broke down... commit to giving them a ride to church. If they don't have a lawn mower, lend them yours. If they are older and need help with lawn care or general home maintenance, be willing and available to do the work for them.
I know this doesn't speak for all churches... but in the first church I attended we practiced foot washing. However, if you were in desperate need of any kind... you were essentially on your own. This kind of neglect makes the very notion of a foot washing ritual a mockery of Christ's true lesson in the matter.