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Old 12-03-2014, 03:06 PM
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Re: Would you stay in a church if...

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Brother Blume asked if you believe living saints would not die but be changed when the Lord returns. You indicated neither you nor your assembly believes they will. How does that square with Paul's words that say we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed etc?

It "squares" with Paul's statement which said that he was revealing unto us a "mystery." And, I might add, it is a "mystery" that few seem to understand, instead they would rather embrace the corrupt teaching which asserts that Paul was stating that "We shall not all die."

That is not what he said, however, it is one of those statements which Peter said were in Paul's epistles "in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction" (II Peter 3:16, KJV).

For me to explain the "mystery" Paul was referring to would demand another thread, for although the misunderstanding associated with Paul's statement is an important element of why I have opted out of participation in an institutionalized assembly and chosen a home group instead, the revelation of the truth of Paul's statement involves a lot of discussion and study to understand it.

I've tried previously on several occasions here on AFF to tender my understanding of this "mystery," as I am persuaded to believe the Bible reveals it, but because of others who want to engage in a debate about the matter instead of allowing time for the fullness of that revelation to be explained, I became weary and simply gave up. At the age of almost 76 I've heard just about all of the things that might be said how others have interpreted Paul's "mystery," so I have no interest in becoming engaged in endless debates about it.

Again, just some of my thoughts about the matter.
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