Why question my integrity? Did I not explicitly state that when I made the statement "Absolutely not! And I don't, and won't, feeling NO condemnation in so doing"?
After several years of trying to persuade the pastor to accept that the things he was preaching/teaching about a certain doctrine was not scriptural, and even obtaining his agreement that it wasn't, and then being unsuccessful in my effort to persuade other members of the licensed ministry to also acknowledge the veracity of that which I was endeavoring to show them (from the Bible), and repeatedly being rejected, in fact, I DID "have NO company" with them, for almost 17 years!
Is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, as stated by Paul in
Ephesians 5:25-27, coming back for a Bride that has "spots, wrinkles, blemishes, or any such things" (that is, "heresies") amongst its teachings, and is therefore unsanctified and unclean? It is obvious that Paul, as well as the rest of the apostles thought NOT, and I do also!
Have you never read that Paul "withstood" Peter to his face because he was doing things which stood in stark opposition to the teachings and example manifested by the Lord Jesus Himself? And the reason wasn't even a matter of doctrine, rather one which displayed a respect of persons! Should we not emulate Paul's integrity?
One of the chief complaints that I have against my brethren in the contemporary Apostolic Pentecostal church is that many, if not the majority of them, do NOT "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Nay, they've become much too complacent, tolerating "divisions" when Paul explicitly asserted that its presence amongst us is a sure indication of the presence of "heresies" (see
I Corinthians 11:18-19). But what do they do when advised of such, and even given irrefutable scriptural evidence of such? More often than not, you're shunned, and looked upon as some kind of "black sheep" in the family of God. That, my friends, is wrong!!
And what was the advise which the Roman writer give to those who determined that there were those "in the church" who embraced and propagated things which were contrary to the doctrines that the apostles' taught? He said to "mark them" and then to "avoid them."
I am NOT a member of any institutionalized assembly, rather I belong to a small group of like-minded saints who have also separated themselves from other brethren for the same reason I've noted. We meet 2-3 times weekly in our homes, and exert our best efforts to conduct our affairs in the same manner as Paul described in
I Corinthians 14:26-40.
And, yes, Mike Blume, every member of the group of saints of which I am a part, even serving as their Teacher, believe that Enoch experienced a common death. And NO, we do NOT believe in a so-called "rapture of the church," or that God would violate His guiding principle of "righteousness" by granting anyone an exemption from the judgment of death which was imposed upon ALL mankind through the corrupt "seed" of man's progenitor, Adam!