Work Out Music
Just curious... for those of you who work out/run/exercise, what songs do you listen to? Darlene Zschech is my favorite, and the songs from her "Revealing Jesus" album have been constantly playing on my phone recently whenever I'm at the gym.
I used to "limit" (for want of a better term) gospel music to more "spiritual" activities like praying and Bible reading or when travelling. I heard a preacher preach against using church music when doing aerobics, once, but I wasn't really into health and fitness that time so I really didn't think much about it. :-) Now that I am trying to be healthier, I tried it and it felt good. It helped keep my mind from distraction (worldly music playing and at least 5 TV screens are on when I'm at the gym). I found listening to gospel music a great mental and spiritual workout as well. While running, I try to focus on the lyrics of the song and match them with scripture. It's awesome! I can't remember now why the preacher I mentioned about preached against using gospel music for exercise. What do you guys think?
The Bible says that whatever we do, in word or deed, we have to do it in the name of the Lord Jesus. Bodily exercise profiteth a little, yes. But it still profiteth! And if you are exercising to take care of God's temple, it can be an act of worship and I don't see any reason why it would be wrong to listen to gospel music when exercising. Perhaps because certain exercises are choreographed dances? That must be it! LOL. I don't do Zumba and I can't imagine doing Zumba to the beat of any gospel song. But that's just me.