Thread: Homesteading
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Old 10-21-2014, 06:24 PM
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On the road less traveled

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Re: Homesteading

I have two projects going on right now. I am making my own tallow - which is taking beef fat and melting it until it becomes soft, straining it, and then pouring it into glass jars which I will keep in the refrigerator. This fat can be used to fry meat or potatoes in, and is much more better and tasty for you than oil.

My second project that I am trying right now is preserving lemons. I have taken 5 lemons, sliced them, and placed them in a quart glass jar with some cinnamon sticks, salt, and cloves, covered with plastic wrap. These will sit for about 2 weeks fermenting, at which time I will be able to use the lemon juice in recipes that call for lemon juice or zest, or teas.

I have gotten ideas from the above websites, plus others.
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