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Old 09-22-2014, 09:54 AM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
Someone very close to me was refilled with the Holy Ghost after being away from God tonight. Tithing wasn't ever an issue with them. Matter of fact of my short 32 years of life I haven't heard of one person leaving because they felt forced to tithe. I believe the number one reason I have seen people backslide is over man and women relationships and getting disgruntled about something they were offended by. I have never one time heard someone say they backslid because they couldn't tithe. I do know people who are not in church who have paid a tithe into a local church who didn't even profess to be a Christian in their walk. They would do it and later testify that they noticed that they were more blessed when they did it. giving cheerfully does work even if it is tithes. I do recommend that people try doing it in faith and see if it changes anything for them.

Brother, take some backsliders to coffee on a regular basis....then ask them about their "problems" with the church. You will find that they are mostly legitimate problems. You will generally find tithing(men) and standards(women) at the top of the list, for anyone of them that have any biblical knowledge and are not back in deep sin.

Now ask sinners what they think of the churches today. You will see that the #1 thing that they say is ..."the church is a business" or "all they want is your money".

Where do you think they got that idea?

Do you think Paul was realizing that fact and tried to keep money(mammon) out of the picture of the ministry as much as possible? Acts 20 to the elders.

Brother, regarding your age(31), you are my "target" audience. The "next" generation that must make the changes that I have been advocating!

Last edited by Sean; 09-22-2014 at 09:57 AM.
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