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Old 09-21-2014, 02:12 PM
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Re: Deep Apostolic Teachers?

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
Brother, you have a handle on giving here, however, the tithe rhetoric should NEVER be mentioned during offering time. It always ends up as a threatening doctrine(you give them an inch, they will take a mile). Why do we even need to "suggest" to givers what they should try to give. If the believers and the elders are walking in the Spirit, you have nothing financially to worry about. The Lord will provide miraculously for ALL needs, nothing lacking.(just like he does for us as individuals). The saints need to get their head out of the Law and be taught how to walk in the Spirit. I have NEVER in 35 years heard a minister teach a congregation HOW to walk in the Spirit(or the definition of it)!!!...they are just told to do it.
Your are saying tithe rhetoric. We must teach about tithing in some form because it is Bible. You are correct that it isn't commanded prior to the book of Acts, but does that mean when I teach through the old testament I skip them scriptures. I agree with you when you say tithing is an old testament law that shouldn't be forced upon people or else, but the method of tithing has made a way for many to be saved. We have had several filled with the Holy Ghost in our church the last several weeks and I can say that people that tithe actually helped make that possible and I have already posted my approach to the subject. You may say just let everyone give how they feel, but unless you give someone examples a lot of times people will not know where to start. I am not saying I go around telling people you must pay tithes to go to heaven, but we must serve the Lord in our giving. I don't want to be guilty of not teaching about generous giving with old testament examples when many are just plain greedy. I don't teach the way I do for personal gain. I find my self pouring a lot of my own finances into people who that only not tithe, but they don't even give anything. If people were pulling the terminology out of the air I would say be strong in your belief, but they have built the doctrine of tithing out of the scripture even if you think it is misapplied. The act of tithing you your self say that isn't wrong. You said earlier you just go against those teaching it. I personally don't believe anyone has ever backslid or denied God because of this teaching even if it isn't a new testament teaching. If people turned and walked away from Jesus because they have to give ten percent they will never make it because really God requires 100%.
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