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Old 09-20-2014, 02:33 PM
Sean Sean is offline

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Re: Is restitution necessary to be baptized(forgiv

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
How can you make restitution for all the things you've done wrong. I don't even know what all I have done wrong before coming to Christ. I have done so much. If you feel led to go to someone and make things right by all means do so, but we would go crazy feeling like we are to make a payment for our past mistakes.
If restitution was necessary we would be making our own sins right and that takes away from the purpose of Jesus on this earth. This doctrine is ludicrous. Some things should be left to personal convictions. I wouldn't want to be the one denying baptism from that person. Who are we to judge the sincerity of another person's repentance.

These folks teach "merited" repentance by the individual, not solely on the NAME of Jesus to remit sins. They are clearly mixing the old and new covenants together to come to this conclusion.

I wanted to do this thread to give folks an understanding about this subject, if in fact they encounter this doctrine.
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