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Old 09-19-2014, 07:05 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Is restitution necessary to be baptized(forgiv

Originally Posted by Sean View Post
I saw an Apostolic Church in Hawaii that demanded in their pre baptism indoctrination program, saying that a candidate for baptism MUST perform restitution as much as possible(imagine the implications), to all that they have offended, before they can be considered "truly repented" and therefore find remission of sins during the baptism process. A good friend of mine also said his 1st pastor was taught that doctrine as a new convert, turned himself in for former crimes, and went to prison.

I would like to see anyones' input here, for or against it...(I personally am against it.)
I don't believe restitution was ever required before baptism in Scripture. Repentance yes, restitution no. Besides, wouldn't it be a better witness to have a brother who is born again, signed, sealed, and delivered seek you out and give restitution because he's saved... instead of finding out the only reason why he sought you out for restitution was so that his church would accept him and baptize him???

After being born again (the Acts 2:38 experience) a believer begins a journey of sanctification. Restitution should by all means be a part of this journey wherever it might apply. But it's part of the journey... not a requirement to embark on the journey.
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