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Old 09-17-2014, 12:25 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Gun-toting Gaza imam: Weapons will help us bui

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
...This is an ideological enemy that truly believes that it is their destiny to establish the final Caliphate, embrace the coming Mahdi, and destroy all non-Islamic powers in preparation for judgment day.
interesting, ty. Strikes me as a doctrinal argument, wadr, as when i am among Muslims, who know me to be a Christian, this never comes up in our discussions. The term "Mahdi" to these people is equivalent to...well, can't think of a good one, but let's say 'a fictional character.' None of them are taking it seriously? I'd equate it to how most Jews take a Kabbala tale, something like that--which does not mean that there aren't other Muslims who feel differently...
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