it could as easily be termed a rebellion, and I'm sure the religious right of the day was scrambling for some justifications as well.
Originally Posted by Esaias
1) The natives here were just as bloody and more bloody than the Europeans who came here and founded these united States.
2) I always wonder why so many people enjoy the benefits of the War of Independence yet simultaneously disparageit at every opportunity.
3) No different imo than the atheists who hate Christian civilisation while refusing to go live in a mud hut in some jungle somewhere ...
1) so that justifies the genocide, i guess.
2) Personally, i find your current independence to be a vapor; and yet i acknowledge that wheat come up with tares, and all work for good in the end, so please don't take me too seriously there. I mostly desire to lob grenades at the complacent, and complicit.
3) Again, your civilization has become a pox--as all do, satan being in charge and all--and whether it started as evil or not depends simply on ones pov. Manifest Destiny is a poor mandate, i think. Personally, i believe we were meant to manifest the lesson of 1Sam8. I will note that--as we are now firmly in the Decadence stage of a society--Countries come and go, but the nation remains, historically speaking. America also did great things, no doubt.