Please be honest about it.
It is you who I have antagonized by rejecting your anti-tithe tirades.
I speak to God all the time, he gets my full attention, the problem is that I am not paying any attention to what you teach.
The Lord sure is using you to keep me from falling into extremist views.
Yes I reject your "exhortation" because I am standing on Jesus my rock, and no he will not grind me to powder.
The Bible says to test the spirit of the prophets, I tested your spirit and therefore I reject your prophecy as not coming from God, for God speaks to me and he has not told me what you have told me.
And no I do not fear any death threats or talk of my early demise.
By the way, I am going to die one day, whether soon or later, but it will not be because of any fear induced prophecy from you.