Originally Posted by Sean
Brother, it is not me that you have antagonized at all, it is the HOLY GHOST that is in me that is observing you and is trying to get your attention. Trust me, you DO NOT want to grieve the Holy Ghost.
The Lord is using me to keep you from being rejected in the judgement. If you reject my exhortation, the rock will grind you to powder.(I did not premeditate what I am saying or even think about it), it was a prophecy. Brother I love you and fear for you.
Please be honest about it.
It is you who I have antagonized by rejecting your anti-tithe tirades.
I speak to God all the time, he gets my full attention, the problem is that I am not paying any attention to what you teach.
The Lord sure is using you to keep me from falling into extremist views.
Yes I reject your "exhortation" because I am standing on Jesus my rock, and no he will not grind me to powder.
The Bible says to test the spirit of the prophets, I tested your spirit and therefore I reject your prophecy as not coming from God, for God speaks to me and he has not told me what you have told me.
And no I do not fear any death threats or talk of my early demise.
By the way, I am going to die one day, whether soon or later, but it will not be because of any fear induced prophecy from you.