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Old 09-16-2014, 03:24 PM
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Re: Gun-toting Gaza imam: Weapons will help us bui

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
let me just ask my Native American friend here...
Esaias, wadr, you are bathed in the blood of those who lived here peaceably, if not peacefully, before you--Masonics and other 'secret' societies in the is not for me to say 'right' or 'wrong' there; but i know of no true freedom gained by war. "Independence" is a politician word, wadr.
The natives here were just as bloody and more bloody than the Europeans who came here and founded these united States.

I always wonder why so many people enjoy the benefits of the War of Independence yet simultaneously disparageit at every opportunity.

No different imo than the atheists who hate Christian civilisation while refusing to go live in a mud hut in some jungle somewhere ...
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