Re: Welcome Fellow Christians - Steve Pixler 8/17/
Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
However if he had scriptural reasons for the change I would have to consider the validity of those before leaving. in SPs case I haven't seen anything except recently except a move toward the teaching of scripture. But he does need to drop that dominion over finances and making a covenant with your pastor over tithes, that's straight nonsense. (The Lords Prayer and Financial Dominion).
Your first answer was "yes" and therefore if there was a doctrinal change you didn't agree with you would leave. That was my original questions. Hence the elder is posting about people who haven't changed, and haven't agree with the changes being made. In this case it is the pastor who changed, and not the group who is leaving. They never changed, don't want to change along with the preacher. So if they leave that is cool? Right?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence