Originally Posted by good samaritan
I don't know who slipknot even is but if it glorifies God I think that we should make a place somewhere (maybe not necessarily Sunday worship). I don't think coloring your hair green, having piercing all over your body, growling in a microphone, and beating your guitar on the floor counts as praising God. I am sure there is some music you Or I may not like, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't glorify God.
Everything would be subject to approval, but I am conservatively open minded.
Growling in a microphone? I think you know what Slipknot sounds like, but more than win a argument you wouldn't condone listening to Death Metal or Thrash do a cover of "His Name is Wonderful. "
Music can either make a person sick to their stomach, or jump into a mosh pit and kick someone (or get kicked) in the face. Music does matter, that's why there are good singers, good musicians, and great awesome singers, and beautifully talented musicians. Yet, on the flip side of that there is utter garbage to just plain bad. I remember Elder Nathaniel Urshan being interviewed by Brother Mooney, and saying that the Apostolics were known for their music, and that is the truth. We have some wonderfully awesome singers. But can anyone say George "Corpsegrinder" Fisher belting out "Lift Up Holy Hands" would have the same effect on a congregation as Sister Mickey Mangun singing the same song?
Anyone who has heard the group Cannibal Corpse and its lead singer would give a rousing NO!
In the constant struggle to fit into the culture to become more user friendly to the sinner would-be neophyte, the Pentecostal movement is always trying to reinvent the wheel.
Brother Pixler said in one of his sermons that he didn't want people to think they came to a different planet when they entered into the church?
Well, bad news boys and girls if you follow the Bible standards against homosexuality, lying, sexual immorality, indecent language, hating those who hate you, then you are on a different planet as far as this culture is concerned. Yet, when they accept the conversion they have to conform to that planet.
The Eastern Orthodox Church in all its different ethnic groups from Greek to Russian hasn't changed the way it conducts its worship or liturgy. The Western Roman and Eastern Roman churches make up the lion share of Christians recorded in the world coming in at 49%. Pentecost is a mere blip on the radar. I personally know young married couples who after having their epiphany lead their families into Western Roman and Eastern Roman churches. Not because of the music, not because of the sermons, and not because the preacher putting modern street slang into the mouth of Jesus and His apostles. It is because they're looking for what their minds view as the sacred, the holy, the set apart from the madding world from which they live. The new and improved Pentecost isn't looking for the sacred, it is looking for Wal-Mart Jesus, an easy turnkey operation, which the pastor can come out on the platform looking like he got shot out of a canon, so the would be neophyte will feel like he is on his home planet.