08-09-2014, 04:04 PM
Temporary Occupant of Earth
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 2,287
Re: End time Revival
Originally Posted by votivesoul
Never discount personal revival!
God may call men and women, few in number, to ascend to new and greater heights in the Spirit. It may not be a revival of quantity but of quality.
If I don't win 1,000 souls in my life, but become eminently Christ-like, then I can feel confident that I have experienced personal revival. Collective revival always starts with an individual feeling the "deep calleth to deep", and responding in faith to that call.
And when one or two go down into the depths of God's Spirit, more and more are likely to come with, until a large number of men and women are operating on a whole other level.
The Great Awakening happened this way. Azusa happened this way.
If only we all could get into unity, faces to the ground, hearts in His hands, crying out to God and stop "playing church", we might see a move in this country that would once again shake the gates of hell.
Personal comfort is the number one revival killer in the world.
Do Not Argue With Idiots, they will just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.