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Old 05-29-2007, 08:59 PM
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Emma Bontrager Emma Bontrager is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Lancaster PA
Posts: 533
Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
Emma he's too newfangled for you.Stick to your convictions girl!
Besides what nice Holy Ghost man would invite you out to his barn.
Think about it girl.Next thing you know he will be asking you to bake
him like six peach pies or something.
You know it Trouvere. Anybody who puts Electric and Amish in the same sentence will burn on the Lake O' Fire!

This very holy Amish woman is up way past her bedtime. I will be making breakfast very early tomorrow, but I will find some time to answer your questions tomorrow. I know you will be in line waiting. Please be patient and I will get to you as soon as I can. Take a number please.
Emma is a ficticious Amish character and ILG is her real person counterpart.
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