Originally Posted by CC1
I have not read this thread yet but many years ago I was blessed by Pope Paul VI at his summer residence Castle Gandolfo in Italy. It was a small courtyard so I was part of a relatively small crowd of around 500 people. When he appeared at the window he was supposed to make his short greeting / statement in five or six different languages. Apparently his english was so bad I never knew when he spoke it in english! LOL
It was a very emotional event for the Roman Catholics in the crowd (which was most of the people) and a very interesting one for a Pentecostal like myself.
Originally Posted by Sean
A friend of mine has been there twice over the last 3 years and stayed for weeks. He is pentecostal like us and a former Catholic. He said he attended a large mass directed by the Pope. The throngs of people(hundreds of thousands), along with the atmosphere of ancient Rome, created a strange euphoria of excitement.(kinda like being at the Super Bowl) Did you feel that?
I can only imagine the crowd's emotional response to the Pope. It seems we humans get very caught up so easily in the worship of another human being. There is definitely a palpable emotion that can be felt whenever an important figure in politics, royalty, or other personage is given the kind of honor that elevates them and places them on a pedestal.