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Old 05-29-2007, 08:36 PM
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Emma Bontrager Emma Bontrager is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Lancaster PA
Posts: 533
Emma's Holy Answers

I know I haven't been on a lot...too much gardening to do and helping my neighbors learn to be holy. However, I have decided to take time out of my busy, busy schedule to lead you people into the ways of holiness. That is why I have started this thread, which I am sure will last for a long time. I know you will greatly appreciate my taking my time to do this. (I am sure I will get so many questions, I may have to interview for some help to answer them, if there is anyone here holy enough to actually help me out, which I doubt, so I will probably have to do it all myself). At any rate, I will take it step by martyred step, painfully and woefully taking gobs of my precious time (or 15 minutes whichever comes first) to help you poor misled people out. Who will be first?
Emma is a ficticious Amish character and ILG is her real person counterpart.
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