Thread: Question?
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Old 07-02-2014, 06:48 PM
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Re: Question?

In Hebrews 6:1-3, we have a sufficient statement of faith:

Repentance from dead works
Faith toward God
Diverse washings (or baptisms as the KJV reads)
Laying on of hands
Resurrection of the dead
Eternal Judgment

Taking a literal approach to these concepts ought to cause one to know exactly what one should believe.

But if someone can't rally around at least these doctrines of Christ, then how long before we realize that such people aren't interested in being followers of I AM?

Paul made it clear that it wasn't the doctrines of Christ or the Word in general, but rather the carnal mind, that causes all doctrinal division in the church. Babes in Christ and milk, right?

So, where this type of division occurs, someone in the mix is approaching the Word without the Spirit guiding them.
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