Thread: Question?
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Old 06-24-2014, 12:30 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: Question?

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
amen to that. as long as it serves you, by all means keep it. but if/when you keep noticing strife around it, at least examine it, wadr. i mean strife among believers, as you will of course cause the evil to strive if you are practicing correctly.
I have tried to point this out so many times on this Forum. After 35 years in the UPCI, the word, "United", became a misnomer with me. When I was a pastor, the phone would ring, and it would be another pastor who did nothing but bash the neighboring UPC Church.

If it wasn't Standards, it was "Sheep Stealing", or compromised preaching. I was so sick of hearing this nonsense, I finally stopped answering the phone so I didn't have to listen to this Religious rhetoric that is so prevalent in Christianity.

Regardless of what people believe, this strife runs deep in the realm of Religion for one, simple reason; Facts based upon Myth.
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