Thread: Question?
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Old 06-23-2014, 07:30 PM
shazeep shazeep is offline

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Re: Question?

I heartily agree with the bolded part, and i say again that we have Scriptural parables, well-known, that illuminate this concept; as well as several others that contrast it with over-religious lawyer-types, and various other Bible-thumpers who would use Scripture as a weapon. He is not 'lying;' you are accusing, wadr. The Bible truly is a sword, and reveals the premises of those who read it. Understand that i am not speaking specifically, as i don't think it is fair to make judgements based upon forum posts, wherein we debate these things necessarily--i have always known you to be quite accepting, and you are, after all, defending the Word as you see fit.

Please consider that there are surely passages of Scripture that have been misrepresented to you, or poorly represented, and even your preferred translations--like any translations--are written from an agenda, no matter how neutral those assembled thought they might be. Yours were written to favor king-makers, and empire builders. You are a Western Christian. Thus, there are entire realms of spiritual thought closed to you, but available in Scripture; which plainly states, to any with the requisite ears, that many will be accepted who do not conform to the accepted dogma. God judges the heart, does He not? How can we do less? Free yourself, i pray, from this satanic insistence on mouthing the correct words in order to be accepted; and listen to the Spirit speaking in them. There is truly only one way; and holding your mouth right is not it.

Last edited by shazeep; 06-23-2014 at 07:33 PM.
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