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Old 06-19-2014, 12:38 AM
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Re: The Appeal of Preterism

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
I have studied preterism in depth and at first it makes more sense than dispensationalism.

But that is not saying much as dispensationalism is so flawed it is pitiful.

Preterism is the ditch on the other side of the road from the ditch of dispensationalism/futurism. But both are ditches.

I take a more balanced approach of a cyclic view of Revelations. One commentator called it the dramatic/cyclic approach.

There are many undeniable tenents of preterism, yet catholics believe some truths also.

My problem with the doctrine is that true preterism, taken in it's entire package, does away with everything that we as Apostolics hold dear. Not just the rapture but they will discard everything and put it at 70AD. Most preterists do not believe in the spirit world, they do not believe in any working of the Spirit of God in gifts, they really don't believe in much except eat drink and be merry for tommorrow we die.

Yet I am an ardent apposer of the false doctrine of dispensationalism. It has it's problems in that it must put everything into the future and makes it all physical.

Jesus rebuked both doctrines when He walked the earth, it was just that then he called them the Pharisees (Dispensationalists) and Sadducees (Similar to preterists).

Jesus rebuked them both and established another way. There was a kingdom He was currently setting up (not 2000 years in the future) but it was not going to be a physical kingdom. Thus he made the Pharisees angry.

Yet it is an ongoing Kingdom that will last forever, and there will be a resurrection of the dead unto eternal life thus making the Sadducees angry.
Interesting thoughts.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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