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Old 06-13-2014, 03:25 PM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Today!

Originally Posted by triumphant1 View Post
I don't think your response to my quote correlates with the quote but, I don't have an issue either way. I was just correcting the posts that said he was a "ballet dancer" when I know he has said multiple times over and over again that he was a "tap dancer."

Those who criticize LS's graceful movements and cry "effeminate" have perpetuated the "ballet" rumor as a way to prove their point--i guess they are thinking that male ballet dancers are effeminate and it proves he is too.

I don't agree with them and I absolutely know LS has claimed TAP dancing as his pre-pentecost preference when it comes to dancing…

Post-pentecost I think he prefers the pentecostal helicopter dance….
I was agreeing with you
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