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Old 06-10-2014, 10:34 AM
kclee4jc kclee4jc is offline
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Re: Marty Ballestero doesn't LIKE facial hair on m

While it is true that their is little to no biblical support for a "doctrine" against facial hair, I must agree that there seems to be an attitude of arrogance and disregard for authority that follows facial hair into Pentecostal churches that have previously taught against it.

I suppose it comes down to the motivating factor and the background an individual has. If he is rebelling against teaching he has received and embracing some perceived "new liberty", then there is danger.

I would not call facial hair a sin or tell someone they are lost because of it, but I will agree with the elder. I don't like facial hair on Pentecostal men!

Last edited by kclee4jc; 06-10-2014 at 11:07 AM.
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