Originally Posted by n david
Understood. Again, I made the statement that once I was able to listen to the full message I would post on it. Unfortunately months passed before I finally received DVD (not sure why it took so long), and since then I have heard what you posted, that the minister acknowledged his error and apologized.
I won't comment on the minister's insult again, or put him through the wringer over it anymore. I do believe the quote and full message itself is worthy of discussion.
In the former thread we discussed John maxwell quotes and I participated. Therefore I am wondering, did you hear SG quote John Maxwell as JA alluded to? I listened to it online and I didn't hear a John Maxwell quote. He quotes Barna, but not in any context concerning the "idiot" quote.
My perspective has definitely changed due to hearing the SG sermon. It would appear that unfortunately he (and NOT John Maxwell) was in fact called an idiot for what he preached. Which seems crazy to me!
If JA apologized, as has been reported, that's good. A lesson is learned here for me, when passion for a subject is ignited, please be careful what you say in the pulpit!