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Old 05-20-2014, 07:44 AM
Sean Sean is offline

Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 23,543
Re: Righteousness Defined

Brethren, I wrote my last post to try to "shock" us to see what we have become in our generation. If we lived even 100 years ago, we would have simply believed these things and would not try to "spiritualize" the actual words and literal meanings of the Bible. I believe we are overreading(over thinking) the Bible these days.

Case in point, I used to work at an all JW company. We would debate the issue of hell. I would bring up Mark 9 and they said it is only a parable. I would bring up this passage and they said it is only a parable.

That was their counter argument to prove to me there is NO hell.

When I see brethren saying like things, knowing that mainline churches in my area are adopting this new position,(of a non existent hell), I stirs me up and reminds me of the slippery slope that the churches are sliding down.

I personally am one that believes in a "literal" interpretation of Gods word. (as much as possible).

You absolutely cannot go wrong with this "cave man" approach to Gods word.

Harold Camping was a master of "spiritualizing" the Bible. That man could have written a commentary on the Bible that would in no way resemble any likeness of the actual literal words that were written. All slanted in "his" point of view, with nobody to oppose him(he owned family radio).

Men like that make me want to get back to the good old fashioned.... "read it and believe it" way of life.

Trust me, you will NEVER go wrong using simple interpretation of the Word.

Last edited by Sean; 05-20-2014 at 08:01 AM.
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