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Old 04-29-2014, 04:11 AM
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Re: Did You Scorn Leaving the UPC?

Originally Posted by endtimer View Post
This probably deserves a whole other thread but, I find this whole subject interesting. In my youth, I went to a church where the pastor held a license and the church was registered as a UPC church. At this church the UPC, the politics and talking points were endorsed heavily. The people ate it up and called themselves UPC. The church I attend now and for the last 22 years would be considered independent. My pastor and I are licensed with the UPC. In the last 22 years I haven't heard a mention of the UPC behind the pulpit but we do hear a lot about The Kingdom. In fact, almost all of our members would have no clue what you are talking about if you said the word UPC. I associate with plenty of licensed ministers and rarely hear anything of the UPC. I think I hear more about the UPC here than any where else I go, except a maybe certain district function. I think in an environment when an earthly kingdom is promoted over Gods kingdom people are likely to be hurt. I would blame this on the ministry that is doing this and not the organization they hold a license with.
I'd personally prefer not to hear from the Pulpit anything about any organization other than the Kingdom of God
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