03-16-2014, 01:38 AM
Registered Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 2,667
Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11
As I have said many times, we have personally known a supposed "women-preacher" who is a complete embarrassment to some of her family members.
Gets in the pulpit hollerin' & screamin' under the guise of "anointing" - now she has called her husband to "preach." Good man - "Preacher" - Not for one second (trust me, I know the situation very closely...But then again, you already knew that eh' Sis. A ?).
She gave virtually every pastor who wouldn't use her absolute fits - until she finally found one who'll use her - & wonder of wonders, he's the best thing since sliced bread to her.....Geeeee, who-da'-thunk it ?
God will be her Judge in eternity, but I cannot fellowship "women-preachers" until they repent of their rebellion to clear Scripture .
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