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Old 03-16-2014, 01:29 AM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”; but prophesying includes something more than testimony; it includes teaching, exhortation, and edification, by unfolding the deep mysteries of the kingdom, and it also may include foretelling of events, etc.

And for a woman to do that she must open her mouth...and prophecy is said to be given in the church....But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” 1 Tim. 2:11, 12. This can not refer to women ministering through spiritual gifts, for God always gives with the gift the authority for the ministration of the same. Even in case of a husband and wife, if the wife is gifted and the husband not, she has the authority to exercise the gift, and she is not usurping any authority which belongs to him. The authority in the church belongs with the gifts to those possessing them, and not to some relative, wife or husband....

God is over His church and he told us in His word to desirse spiritual gifts...and especially to prophecy....

And you have been shown over & over & over that the verb translated as "prophesy" defines as "to break forth under sudden impulse in lofty discourse" & does NOT mean to exposit from the Scriptures (which would be "to teach" - something women are clearly forbid to do to men in the church).

Keep trying Sis. - & I'll keep demonstrating your error & willful stubbornness .

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
V3 the men were in verse 3 with the women...BUT others that were not in prison WERE scattered abroad and went everywhere preaching...v 4

Infants & babies were equally "scattered abroad" - were they equally "preaching the Word" ?

O' consistency thou art a jewel!

Besides, for about the 200th time now - these passages are not discussing instructions to the NT church (as is I Timothy 2 & I Cor. 14) - but rather winning the lost....which every one should certainly do (& we've explained this to you for literally years now).

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
3 As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.

4 Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word.

They will never get us all...just like in many parts of the world they hale men and women to prison BUT there are always a they....and they go everywhere preaching....

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