Originally Posted by Sasha
Show me a verse where a woman prophesied in the NT. Not that they would. But that they DID.
Not that I personally care, since I'm not the one who has to see it specifically in scripture to believe that it pertains to me and my children. YOU are the one wanting specifics.
Originally Posted by Sasha
This is what I said that you highlighted:
You also excuse women to do things that are also not mentioned in scripture with specifics you claim are lacking when it comes to women preaching.
IOW, YOU are the one posting how the Bible doesn't say this and doesn't say that about women preaching, but then say women can do other things when scripture also doesn't give specifics. YOU are the one wanting specifics on certain things but don't require them of other issues.
You asked for the verse above and I posted where Paul gave his requirements for them prophesying in
1 Cor 11. So please ask me the questions you say we can not give specifics for, and when you are finished I will be happy to ask you some questions.
Please begin.