Originally Posted by RJR
In light of the fact that woman could witness as empowered by the HG, she could prophesy and pray in the church, she could sing psalms, have an interpretation, speak in tongues, have a revelation. Yet, in verses 34-35 there was a certain kind of speaking she could NOT do in the church, comparing that to 1 Tim 2, would you mind giving an educated guess as to what type of speaking by a woman was prohibited in the church? Keep in mind, the glaring and undeniable precedent established, by the facts, no female priest in temple or tabernacle, no qualifications for a female bishop or deacon, no female apostle chosen by Christ, and coupled with the fact of the definitions of the words as well as their usage, leaves little room for your conclusions, eh?
This is exactly how errors in doctrine occur. Take an instance here, pull a definition from there, use an example over there, stir it up with lack of mention and VOILA!! You have serpent seed doctrine, snake handling doctrine, and no Jesus name baptism doctrine.
You also excuse women to do things that are also not mentioned in scripture with specifics you claim are lacking when it comes to women preaching. You say they can witness but I don't see where a woman in scripture ever did that. You said they can prophesy but I don't see a woman prophesying in the NT.
You can have it both ways. If you just stick to what scripture says and not add your own interpretation to it, you can't go wrong.