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Old 03-04-2014, 04:21 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by RJR View Post
If this was accurate it would be one thing. Precedent has to factor in somewhere, such as no OT female priest, no female Apostles (upon whose teaching he would build the church) chosen by The Lord, no qualifications for female bishops and deacons. Besides the fact no logical explanation has been offered for 1 Tim 2:11-12, the only one offered so far has been this is referencing a husband and wife. Which apparently only single women could then teach, or it would require the married woman to be silent in the very place Paul in 1 Cor 14 tells her to ask.

It may be comical in that we are insistent on these very transparent passages, but we are insistent, because some are insistently trying to misrepresent them.
Not sure how far back you've gone to read what was posted ages ago on this post... but.... I stand with you three, and whoever else that falls into the category that no woman should hold a ministerial position where she is required to assert authority over a male, whether it be her husband or other male. Male and females have their roles, each in different ways... but one is not any better or greater than the other.

However, I do not see in scripture where a woman is prohibited from preaching/witnessing/testifying/evangelizing, as long as that preaching does not undermine the authority of the male in charge of the service, be it her husband, or other male.

RDP's stance is that no woman has ever expounded on scriptures, and I would agree. There is no biblical reference to a woman standing with the Torah in her hand expounding on the Torah (which were the scriptures as they knew it in both OT and NT).

However, Jesus did give women instructions to go and "tell" the good news. Since the good news is now considered our NT and now our scriptures, I would see that a woman standing to share the good news of the gospel under the given authority in a meeting, would certainly be following the great commission of Jesus.

I differ from the stance the three of you have taken, as it is a dogmatic stance that excludes a woman from being able to share the good news, whether in a pulpit, under a tree, in a prison, or anywhere else she might have the opportunity to do so, simply because we are all commissioned by Jesus to share the good news, and the good news is our NT writings, or scriptures.

That's my explanation. I don't expect to find it quite satisfactory to all who hear it, but I don't condemn anyone who doesn't agree with it either. Believe your interpretation, live it, whatever.... but .... leave off the condemning of others who may not see it just like you... that is simply how I am looking at this.
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