03-04-2014, 01:24 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 301
Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
The prophet Joel predicted that one day the Holy Spirit would be poured out on the church and, as a result, our "'sons and daughters [would] prophesy'" ( Joel 2:28, emphasis added). This passage clearly indicates that when the New Testament age began, both men and women would be empowered and commissioned to carry the message of the gospel to the world. God's Holy Spirit would no longer rest simply on isolated individuals as was the case under the old covenant.
In the Pentecostal age, all believers, regardless of gender, ethnicity or social status, would have full access to the graces of the Spirit and would speak the utte rances of God.
If preaching were to have been limited to men only, Joel would not have mentioned daughters in his prediction. He would have said instead, "In the last days, I will pour out My Spirit, and your sons will prophesy while your daughters serve quietly in the background and pray for the men." Copied
Still looking for the injunction for them to preach.