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Old 02-25-2014, 12:47 AM
rdp rdp is offline
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by shazeep View Post
Pure conjecture. Deborah was a Judge, if i'm not wrong...nope. So, God appoints a judge who cannot pastor. While the offices are certainly separate in our time, to our shame, to even suggest this smacks of heresy in the time when Israel had judges rather than a king. i detect a doctorate lurking back there. i would bet $ on it (it's worthless anyway )

pure hubris, as is suggesting that any woman could never speak in church. but of course the one lording it over would not want competition, and the tone of your posts has defeated you. you think to codify the spirit, who can raise pastors from rocks. you ignore a time for everything under heaven. You forget Christ's condemnation of the Pastor/Judges of His day. You fail to connect that Love now presides over us, and overrides tradition. If you cannot contend over another believer's Holi-days, how do you imagine that you might even comment upon a pastor bearing fruit. it sinks to sin.

and then you proffer dichotomous jokes. really. i am not comfortable with a woman pastor, and am now forced to go and discover my blind spot there. yikes.

Well, since most of this seems to be the typical mindless babble of AFF - I'll only point out that anti-biblical "tradition" is the very thing I've been attempting to combat for almost 200 pp. now ?

You are making no sense & much of your post above seems incoherent. And just when I was staring to like you a lil' bit too ! Oh well.....

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