God and Father are nouns. They are not synonyms. Teach and Preach are nouns. They are not synonyms.
Yes, teach & preach are being used interchangeably - & they are only nouns when not in the participial moods (or discussing office) - otherwise they're mostly verbs.
Since I never said the word used in
1Cor 14:35 was Kai, this is meaningless. In fact you are obfuscating the fact we are discussing a completely different verse AND grammar where two nouns are joined by "and". Also the two words are connected because Jesus (a person) was doing BOTH.
LOL - Nice try Prax - not "obfuscating" anything. Simply making an incidental observation - which you do alllll the time
! You are being inconsistent in your conjunction appeals - point stands despite your erroneous charges.
If I said RDP went Fishing and Skiing it doesn't mean "RDP went fishing and fishing"...it's absurd to argue the words are being used as synonyms there. That's redundant.
Ummm, lil' problem there - fishing & skiing describe two entirely separated actions - whereas "preaching" & "teaching" describe a similar action (called a "hendiadys" in grammar).
Unless, again, you're going to tell us that when a man is "teaching" he has ceased "preaching"
? "Absurd" indeed
They aren't synonyms. If they were. You seem to be confusing "synonyms" with words being used synonymously for the same person. Like Jesus is The Son and the Lamb, those are not synonyms but both refer synonymously to Jesus. But when in the same sentence it doesn't make sense that the author redundantly uses to different words to refer to the same action.
"Teaching" & "Preaching" are used interchangeably in Scripture - & the clear examples will not disappear simply because you stubbornly deny them
No I said because the two words are used in the same sentence separated by AND that it would be redundant to say they are synonyms. You really believe he meant Jesus was "Teaching and teaching" or "Preaching and Preaching" or instead of God the Father it could read "Father the Father"?
They are used "interchangeably" - you "really believe" that when a man is "preaching" he has ceased "teaching" & vice-versa??
Father and God don't overlap nor do they in Greek. They aren't synonyms. You are again confusing two words being synonyms and two words that can refer to the same PERSON. OPs often do it when they explain their idea of the Godhead. "Im a father and Im a son" but that does not make Father and Son SYNONYMS lol
Ummm, say what
? Contrare' Monfrare - Often Paul would reference "God" & be talking about the Father. In fact, oft times the term used for the Father in the NT is the noun "Theos" (God). You are simply wrong.
And, How on earth do we go from discussing terms that are clearly used interchangeably such as "God" & "Father" to discussing terms that are NOT used interchangeably - such as "Father" & "Son"?? You are making absolutely no sense now.