Originally Posted by Pliny
Once again...
Everyone should witness and seek to be used in the gifts of the Spirit. The leading of the church, the teaching and preaching - feeding God's flock is the role of a man. The fact that so many women cannot understand that basic fundamental fact is an object lesson in why women should not be allowed to do so. The feeding of the flock is to the elders ( Acts 20:17; 28). These elders are the bishops that were the husbands of one wife.
To take this logic would mean that no one needs a shepherd because they can all teach some body some thing. It is this spirit precisely that Got Miriam and Aaron into trouble.
And once again, you speak out of both sides of your mouth. It seems to be a matter of semantics, really. You say women can't teach, but they can witness, which is really teaching, you just call it something else to prove your point. Women can teach men as long as they don't do it behind a pulpit (something Paul NEVER said), women teaching men is usurping their authority (something else Paul NEVER said), and 'usurping authority' can be passively done.
Let's look at the definition, shall we?
[yoo-surp, -zurp]
verb (used with object)
to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.)
by force or without legal right: The pretender tried to usurp the throne.
to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: The magazine usurped copyrighted material.
verb (used without object)
to commit forcible or illegal seizure of an office, power, etc.; encroach.
Remember, we are talking about a woman simply teaching a man something. It's impossible for anyone to have authority over you in a teaching capacity without your permission. Impossible.
If you don't want to be taught anything by a woman, that's your right (although I'm not sure how you can have a successful and peaceful marriage if you don't allow your wife to teach you anything because you believe that in doing so, she is usurping your authority), and you can leave at any time, but if you choose to stay, there is no usurpation of authority taking place. You allow her that authority because you want to be taught.
In spite of what you think Paul was saying, there is nothing wrong with a man being taught anything by a woman, whether or not it's his wife or mother. I teach men things all the time. No, I'm not behind a pulpit nor do I have to be, but if they want to know something that I know, they need to listen. If they choose not to, that's their right, but they can't complain later and have no one else to blame.
Taking a verse out of context and believing that women shouldn't teach men because Jezebel incorrectly taught men is no different than believing black men should remain slaves because Philemon was one.
Funny...women can lead a church into song, she just can't speak it without music or she's 'usurping authority' over every man in the audience.