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Old 02-05-2014, 12:33 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11

Originally Posted by rdp View Post
Just as I said - I knew EXACTLY where you were going. Context determines whether gender has any bearing on an argument. you are agreeing with me. It has nothing to do with the gender of a noun

Since the context of Paul's statement is ministry - I find it interesting that in NONE of the offices he mentions does he use the feminine - but ALWAYS the masculine.
I thought it was context that determined whether gender has any bearing. Now you are going back to whether he uses a feminine or masculine noun. again

As I said when Sis. Alvear first attempted to use this argument, noun gender is not ALWAYS a hard & fast rule - but just pointing out her glaring inconsistency.
So we are agreeing with me? Im confused over what you are trying to accomplish. It seems to be your argument.

You are assuming that Paul uses teacher, Apostle, & preacher distinctly - I would argue the polar opposite - that he's using them interchangeably. It ' snit like he changes hats - switching from teaching to preaching ??
Why not? He can change hats and be a Prophet, Apostle, Teacher, Pastor or Evangelist. Why can't he be both a Preacher AND a Teacher? Why mention both in the same sentence if both mean the exact same thing?

Regarding Anna & prophecy - biblical Prophecy has never been taking a text from the scriptural canon & expounding from it to others - which is why the Bible does not record that Anna (nor any other woman) ever did so
Anna is called a Prophetess. You said that was never used in the NT. Since I never addressed the issue of women expounding on scriptures, this is more of a red herring than anything

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  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
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