02-04-2014, 06:19 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
You don't have one single scripture, not even using your bible hub lexicon, and stretching the meaning, that says a woman shall not preach. lol...
LOL - I did not "stretch" any "meaning(s)" - I simply quoted the lexical definition of the Greek verb (ummm, this verb specifically means "to teach from the Scriptures" virtually every-time it's mentioned in the NT - over 200 times) !? So silly.
Yes, I have numerous Scriptures explicitly forbidding women to "preach-teach" - couldn't possibly be plainer - you simply refuse to believe the Bible !
And while you're at it, we're still waiting on you to produce a scripture that defines the qualifications of an evangelist, and which gender(s) are allowed by Paul to be an evangelist...
Hmmm, lemme' see.....since the Greek noun translated "Evangelist" always appears in the M-A-S-C-U-L-I-N-E gender & NEVER in the feminine gender "by Paul" - Ummmm, lemme' think it about it & get back to ya' !
You asked for it - I provided it - Next ?
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