Yea' - pretty hard to understand this 'eh??
11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
What portion of this confounds you?? But, keep "wiggling"......
I've said that to say this.... we don't know for sure what situations Paul was addressing with these remarks, but certainly they contradict the fact that in other places woman are allowed to prophesy as in 1.
Cor 11, which means that they are able to speak and break their silence... so.... obviously translating the
1 Cor. 14 passage word for word doesn't quite work here. The culture and context must be considered in understanding this passage, and correlating it with Paul's other writings.
Yes, we do know exactly what situations Paul was addressing - he specifically said what he was addressing
?? You just refuse to accept what he clearly said - all under the guise of "Well, we cannot be clear what he meant"?? Ummm, yes we can - he meant what he said in each context! LOL.
Meanwhile.... I guess your women are busy disobeying the Apostle Paul by not being silent in your church, according to your definition....
LOL - Yea', whatever you say. The women I teach in church have absolutely no problem with the contexts - they understand how to read the Bible & do not have an agenda to eradicate the same - & I know many women who would quickly get up & walk out if a woman got up to preach-teach men
Nice try - next?