01-31-2014, 05:28 PM
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Re: End Time Army of Women Preachers Psalms 68:11
Originally Posted by KeptByTheWord
Yes, this is my question, and below is the typical answer I've gotten.
Big Yawn & a hearty Ho-Hum . Hmmm, lemme' see, maybe if I write in another font she'll understand the plain English ? Here, let's try this (note the italicized font ):
For almost 64 pp. now I've explained to you that both the passage allowing women to prophesy & the admonition to be silent appear in entirely distinct context (did you R-E-A-D that ?).
I Cor. 11 is NOT the same context as I Cor. 12-14 inasmuch as Paul begins chp. 12 by shifting topics from the hair issue-Lord's Supper to the gifts of the Spirit.
As it relates to I Cor. 14 women are commanded to be silent in the church in the context of either preaching (viz the verb "speak") or the evaluation of prophecy. In this context women are to be "silent," but in the context of I Cor. 11 women can "prophesy" - but biblical "prophecy" has never, nor will it ever, be a "sermon from the Scriptures."
Hence, both contexts mean exactly what they say - & this is about the 7th time you've been "answered" .
Now, let's have a lil' look-see at everything you've "ignored":
I've asked you over & over to explain how we "must bear our own burden" & yet "bear one anothers burden(s)" simultaneously? No answer !
I've asked you to offer syntactical objections to Dr. Daniel Wallace's detailed exegesis of I Tim. 2? No answer !
I've shown you how I Tim. 2 CANNOT be discussing the supposed "home-order" scenario viz Paul's clear declaration that he was writing his letter to Timothy to instruct him in church-order - No answer !
And, the list goes on & on - but this should suffice for the time-being!
Yeah, this is typical of the "answer" that RDP has provided. Not there. No simple answer as to how a woman is to be silent, yet still can speak in the church. Lots of " exegetical-grammatical rejoinder to the mountains & mountains of syntactical points that have been offered" yes, all that... but...nothing that that offers a simple answer to this dichotomy.
Ummm, there is no "dichotomy" - save the one you've invented ! It's like someone making up a non-existent scenario & demanding that everyone submit to that which does not even exist ?
Just curious - do you believe in Bigfoot ?
Good try RDP... but you are only fooling yourself 
Right back at ya' .
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